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Saturday, August 14, 2010

what causes strawberry birthmarks

what causes strawberry birthmarks

Strawberry birthmarks or hemangioma are bright red spots that appear on the surface of the skin due to dilated blood vessels. Usually a strawberry birthmark disappears within the first 5 years without any complications but in rare cases may also lead to medical complications. There are no known genetic factors or known food or medication reactions that can cause strawberry birthmarks. Treatment of strawberry birthmarks may not be necessary in most case. In rare cases, when the birthmark is near the eye or an organ however, physicians use laser therapy and steroids to remove the blood vessels associated with it. Other birthmarks include stork bites, Mongolian blue spots, port wine stains, congenital melanocytic nevi and café au lait spots. Though the color of this birthmark resembles a bruise, it is not associated with any pain or discomfort. The reason for this birthmark is the absence of nerve supply to blood vessel in that region and this condition maybe associated with seizures and glaucoma. what causes strawberry birthmarks


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